Suggested fluid intake is often used interchangeably with suggested water intake, but fluid requirements are met through both foods and drinks. In fact, food typically provides roughly 20% of your fluid needs. There are many methods for calculating daily fluid requirements. One simple equation for ...
I suppose the “habit” that is most ingrained as a habit isdrinking a lot of water each day. I never go anywhere without plenty of water. The number one habit that takes a little more conscious effort for me is toremember not to be “all or none.”If I don't have the time for...
How many ounces of 80 proof liquor is in a single serving? a. 1/2 ounce b. 1 ounce c. 1 1/2 ounce d. 2 ounces e. 2 1/2 ounces The recommended protein intake for a 50-kg woman is grams per day. a. 30 b. 40 c. 50 d. 100 ...
Jason is an elite cross-country athlete who is currently training 2 hours per day. He weighs 135 pounds. Based on his body weight, what should his daily carbohydrate intake be? The body mass index (BMI) is a. a measure of height relative to weight...
Celeste's diet restricts her intake of protein to 24 g per day. If she eats an 8.0 oz burger that is 15.0% protein, has she exceeded her protein limit for the day? How many ounces of a burger would beOf the 3 types of fat, w...