Vegans absolutely, positively don’t have to make any sacrifices when it comes to enjoying sensational desserts. Vegan Chocolate Treats, by Ciarra Siller Modern Vegan Baking, by Gretchen Price Whole Food Vegan Baking, by Annie Markowitz Vegan Baking for Beginners, by JL Fields Sweet + Salty: The...
Vegan Fast Food: Top Menu Items (USA) READ MORE Vegan Vitamins & Supplements Buying Guide READ MORE Easy Vegan Foods: The Definitive Gigantic List READ MORE Vegan Cuisine Guide: Plant-Based Foods Worldwide READ MORE Vegan Alternatives to Meat, Dairy, and Egg Products ...
B12 supplementation is especially important for those who consume few or no animal products – vegetarians, vegans and raw-food vegans/fruitarians. There are two basic ways to use supplements – weekly or daily. Probably the simplest method is to chew up one B12 supplement containing 2,000mcg...
Plant-based DHA supplements are available, and vegans should consider them if additional DHA is needed. There is now an algae-derived oil that has both DHA and EPA, and is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. Fish obtain both their DHA and EPA ultimately from the consumption of algae, which...
Cancer rates for vegetarians are 25 to 50% below population averages, even after controlling for smoking, body mass index, and socioeconomic status.[1,2] Vegans show even better results. One study found that people who include generous amounts of fruits and vegetables in their daily diets hav...