I made a habit, night after night, of moving plants indoors, so I would be the one to ___, not some creature with four paws. In the ___ of homegrown food-seeding, growing, tending, harvesting, cooking—I came to understand a ___ version of happiness. It can be a matter of...
3 Colours Rule Since 2008, 3 Colours Rule’s passion is to grow tech companies by improving their brand value, positioning, credibility, and awareness. We embark on a journey of passion with you. Our branding and marketing agency, specializing in technology, help you develop a brand that trul...
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap And Others Don’t Jim Collins Startups and Business 2001 8 Pattern Breakers Mike Maples Startups and Business 2024 8 Radical Uncertainty John Kay & Mervyn King Startups and Business 2019 8 The Cold Start Problem Andrew Chen Startups and...
Marketing isn’t only for the biggest companies, you don’t need a million-dollar budget or unlimited resources to get ahead of the competition. Digital marketing allows any organization to increase traffic, awareness, and ROI, whether you are investing in a third-party marketing resource or doi...
(An optional moving magnet phono stage costs $249 but wasn't fitted to the review sample.) The circuitry is almost entirely hard-wired—no printed circuit boards are in the signal path. RvB commented on the PrimaLuna's extraordinary clarity and detail retrieval. He compared the two output ...
When an IT organization gets large enough, the need for predictability and stability starts to stifle innovation until fast moving, unencumbered startups disrupt them. Lean Enterprise provides a prescriptive process and plenty of follow up reading to enable large organizations to overcome “inertia” ...
"Machine learning has become an integral part of many commercial applications and research projects, but this field is not exclusive to large companies with extensive research teams. If you use Python, even as a beginner, this book will teach you practical ways to build your own machine learning...
Angela Wick takes you through the process step by step, from beginning to end. She explains how elicitation and analysis collaborate, as well as a number of alternative approaches for gathering needs—such as brainstorming, observation, and workshops—before moving on to analysis methods such as ...
It’s one of the most moving books I’ve ever taken in. – Joe Rogan Blood and Thunderby Hampton Sides Buy on Amazon This is the third audiobook on Native Americans and the Wild West that Joe Rogan has listened to in less than two months. He says he’sobsessedwith tales of the conf...
Let me tell the story of this self-published book. This book is self-published primarily because publishing companies are too slow for me, and I always wind up doing most of their work anyway. So after making a PDF of the designed book we printed 10,000 copies of Cool Tools for the ...