RDA 英文缩写RDA 英文全称Recommended Dietary Allowance 中文解释推荐膳食营养素供给量 缩写简介 中国营养学会在1955年开始制定的推荐膳食营养素供给量(recommended dietary allowance,RDA)。2000年10月提出了更完善、更接近新时代中国人需要的膳食营养素参考摄入量。
RDA 英文缩写RDA 英文全称Recommended Dietary Allowance 中文解释推荐膳食营养素供给量 缩写分类医药卫生、生物科学 缩写简介中国营养学会在1955年开始制定的推荐膳食营养素供给量(recommended dietary allowance,RDA)。2000年10月提出了更完善、更接近新时代中国人需要的膳食营养素参考摄入量。
百度试题 题目每日推荐摄入量(recommendeddietaryallowance,RDA)是指营养素缺乏发生率较低的营养素摄入量。相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 正确
Dietary Intake Arecommended dietary allowance(RDA) for a nutrient is derived from an estimated average requirement (EAR), which is an estimate of the intake at which the risk of inadequacy to an individual is 50%. In the case ofpantothenic acid, no data have been found on which tobasean ...
2) RDA recommended dietary allowance 推荐每日膳食中营养素供给(允许)量3) recommended daily nutrient allowance 每日推荐的营养素供给量(RDA) 4) allowance of nutrients 营养素供给量 5) dietary reference intakes(DRIs) 膳食营养素参考摄入量 6) daily dietary allowance 每日膳食供给量 ...
The meaning of RECOMMENDED DAILY ALLOWANCE is the amount of a nutriment (as a vitamin or mineral) that is recommended for daily consumption by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences —abbreviation RDA.
文档标签: Recommended Dietary Allowances 40RDAs41 系统标签: rda dietary allowances dris recommended dri DietaryDietaryReferenceReferenceIntakesIntakesByJenniferTurleyByJenniferTurleyandJoanThompsonandJoanThompson©2013Cengage©2013CengagePresentationOverview•DefiningDRIs•LookingatnutrientswithDRIs•Understanding...
RDARecommended dietary allowanceDietVitaminsMicronutrientsGenomic stabilityDNA damageMicronucleusDNA methylationDNA strand breaksvalues for vitamins and minerals, determined by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council (US); intake of the RDA will provide adequate nutrition in most healthy...
Therecommended dietary allowance(RDA) is the average daily dietary intake level that suffices to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all (97–98%) healthy persons of a specific sex, age, life stage, or physiological condition (such as pregnancy or lactation). The RDA is a nutrient intake...
6) (RDA) recommended daily nutrient allowance 每日推荐的营养素供给量补充资料:推荐膳食供给量营养学术权威机构向各国公众推荐的每日膳食中应含有的热能和营养素的量。它是根据人体对营养的生理需要,考虑了各项安全率(人体应激、个体差、食物烹调损失、人体消化吸收率及食物生产供应实际情况等)而制定的。根据科学...