Therefore, to stay consistent, I will also discuss three net worth asset allocation models based on the Conventional, New Life, and Financial Samurai models here as well. Each net worth allocation model will incorporate the corresponding stocks and bonds asset allocation. Stocks and bonds (public ...
7. Multifactor models do not explain deviations from the CAPM. 8. Data-snooping biases in tests of financial asset pricing models. 9. Maximizing predictability in the stock and bond markets. 10. An ordered probit analysis of transaction stock prices. 11. Index-futures arbitrage and the ...
3. Representation of food security outcomes in agricultural systems models 4. Recommendations to improve consideration of food security outcomes in agricultural systems models 5. Concluding comments Declaration of Competing Interest Acknowledgements Appendix A. Household- and individual-level indicators of food...
My portfolio is built to disproportionately benefit from sea changes in technology that disrupt existing financial models and create massive shareholder value. My investment plan and asset allocation are a result of secular trends I have identified (macro) and in which I take individu...
The other critical element of a PPP comprises the regulatory structure and the contract details that make up the ground rules for everything from pricing, to risk allocation between the private and the public sector, to how investment requirements are set. Flawed regulato...