SPSS | Recode into Variables 重新编码成不同变量 - -ZY_Zhang-于20221221发布在抖音,已经收获了116个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
使用“重新编码到相同的变量中”对话框可以重新指派现有变量的值或将现有值的范围拼并为新值。 例如,可将薪金拼并到薪金范围类别中。 您可以对数字变量和字符串变量重新编码。 如果选择多个变量,则它们必须为相同类型。 不可将数字变量和字符串变量放在一起重新编码。
可在原始值列表中使用的关键字为CONVERT和ELSE。 唯一可以用来代替新值的关键字是COPY。 值必须括在引号中。 空格是有效字符。
Within SPSS Statistics there is more than one type of recode that can be performed. In this video Jarlath Quinn demonstrates how to:-Recode into the same variables, overwriting an existing variable Recode into different variables, creating a new variable in addition to your existing variables ...
GeneratingNewVariablesinSPSS: TheRecodeCommand OneofthemostcommonlyusedfunctionsinSPSSfortransformingexistingvariablesisthe Recodecommand. TheTransform/Recodecommandcreatesnewvaluesbasedonthevaluesofanexisting variable. Inotherwords,recodinginSPSScollapsesdownasetofvaluesforanexistingvariableinto asmallernumberofvalues....
摘要: recode2 is a frontend for the recode command. It allows a varlist and can recode into a list of new variables. It is also compatible with the syntax of the SPSS recode command. This is version 1.1 of the software.年份: 2000 ...
Recode into Same Variable in SPSS with What is SPSS, Download and Installation of SPSS, SPSS Version 26, SPSS Variables, Numeric Variable Type, Comma and Dot Variable, Scientific Notation Variable etc.
In this section, we will learnRecode into Same or Different variablesin SPSS using the Recode function. We are currently using recode into different variable options because we want to preserve my original data set. So first we need clear about our problem. In this case, this is the data ...
SPSS Recode Example 2 We'll dichotomize variables v4 to v6 by changing values 1, 2 and 3 into 0 and values 4 and 5 into 1 as implied byrecode v4 to v6 (1,2,3 = 0)(4,5 = 1).Value 6 is is left unaltered. After recoding we must respecify the value labels for all three vari...
In SPSS, we preferably use a 0-1 coding for dichotomous variables. Some reasons are that this facilitates interpreting b-coefficients for dummy variables in multiple regression; means for 0-1 coded variables correspond to proportions of “yes” answers which are easily interpretable. The syntax bel...