SPSS Recode Syntax Example 1*1. Get values and value labels in output and inspect frequencies.set tnumbers both.freq v1.*2. Recode v1 and correct value labels.recode v1 (1=2).add value labels v1 2 'Not at all or a bit' 1 ''.*3. Check with previous frequency table.freq v1....
ELSE應該是變數的最後一個規格。 重新編碼INTO另一個變數時,未指定的值會設為系統遺漏值或字串為空白。 COPY會抄寫原始值而不重新編碼它們。 需要INTO才能將字串變數重新編碼為數值變數,或將數值變數重新編碼為字串變數。 數值變數 (RECODE 指令) 字串變數 (RECODE 指令) 上層主題:RECODE...
ELSE应该是变量的最后一个规范。 当重新编码INTO另一个变量时,未指定的值将设置为系统缺失或字符串为空。 COPY复制原始值而不对其进行重新编码。 需要INTO才能将字符串变量重新编码为数字变量或将数字变量重新编码为字符串变量。 数字变量 (RECODE 命令) 字符串变量 (RECODE 命令) 父主题:RECODE...
摘要: recode2 is a frontend for the recode command. It allows a varlist and can recode into a list of new variables. It is also compatible with the syntax of the SPSS recode command. This is version 1.1 of the software.年份: 2000 ...
摘要: recode2 is a frontend for the recode command. It allows a varlist and can recode into a list of new variables. It is also compatible with the syntax of the SPSS recode command. This is version 1.1 of the software. 关键词: data maniupulation recode 年份: 2000 收藏...
In SPSS, we preferably use a 0-1 coding for dichotomous variables. Some reasons are thatthis facilitates interpreting b-coefficients for dummy variables in multiple regression; means for 0-1 coded variables correspond to proportions of “yes” answers which are easily interpretable.The syntax below...
To recode multiple variables using the same set of value specifications, specify a variable list before the value specifications. Each variable in the list is recoded identically. To recode variables using different value specifications, separate each variable (or variable list) and its specifications...
CONVERT, ELSE Output keyword:` COPY This command does not read the active dataset. It is stored, pending execution with the next command that reads the dataset. See the topicCommand Orderfor more information. Syntax for theRECODEcommand can be generated from theRecode into Same Variablesdialog ...
Syntax for the RECODE command can be generated from the Recode into Same Variables dialog or the Recode into Different Variables dialog. Examples RECODE V1 TO V3 (0=1) (1=0) (2,3=-1) (9=9) (ELSE=SYSMIS). RECODE STRNGVAR ('A','B','C'='A')('D','E','F'='B')(ELSE='...
To recode multiple variables using the same set of value specifications, specify a variable list before the value specifications. Each variable in the list is recoded identically. To recode variables using different value specifications, separate each variable (or variable list) and its specifications...