{ReCl2(NO)2[Sb(C6H5)3]2}; Synthese, Kristallstruktur, Infrarot‐ und 121Sb‐Mbauer‐SpektrumReCl 2 (NO) 2 [Sb(C 6 H 5 ) 3 ] 2 }; Preparation, Crystal Structure, Infrared and 121 Sb Mssbauer Spectrum The title compound yields from treatment of ReCl 3 (NO) 2 with excess Sb(...
Remarkable low symmetry hydrogen bonding network in the structure of ReCl2(NCMe)(NO)(PMe3)2 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 35 作者:Heiko Jacobsen,Helmut W Schmalle,Andreas Messmer,Heinz Berke 摘要: The title compound 1 crystallizes in the space group P2 1/ a with Z=44, being...
The Crystal Structures of (NH 4 ) 2 [ReCl 6 ], [ReCl 2 (CH 3 CN) 4 ] 2 [ReCl 6 ] · 2CH 3 CN and [ReCl 4 (18)(Crown-6)] Brown single crystals of (NH 4 ) 2 [ReCl 6 ] are formed by the reaction of NH 4 Cl with ReCl 5 in a suspension of diethylether. [ReCl 2...
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Within the search for a suitable starting material for the synthesis of Re complexes with such a class of ligands, we have chosen the benzoylhydrazido-Re(V) chelate [ReCl2{η2-N,O–N2C(O)Ph}(PPh3)2] (0) which is a very useful precursor for a variety of organodiazenide and dinitroge...
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