美国提出的“对等关税”(reciprocal tariffs),核心是指**美国对进口商品征收的关税税率,将与贸易伙伴国对美国同类商品征收的关税税率保持一致**。简单来说,就是“你对我收多少税,我就对你收多少税”。这一政策的逻辑是追求“关税对等”,旨在消除美国眼中其他国家通过更高关税形成的“不公平优势”。# 具体含义和背...
作者: 特朗普称,他计划在下周宣布对多个国家实施对等关税。这个消息一公布,美股应声下跌。 对等关税(Reciprocal Tariffs)是指一个国家对外国商品征收与其本国产品在外国市场上受到的关税水平相当的关税。也就是说,如果某个国家对美国出口产品征收高关税,美国将以相同的关税标准回敬该国的进口产品。 首当其冲,受此政策...
Trump Unveils Plan to Impose Reciprocal Tariffs, Implying Levies on Auto and More Imports on the Way TMTPOST -- U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled on Thursday a plan to impose reciprocal tariffs on trading partners and implied more levies on imports like automobile and chips are on the way...
"With reciprocity, as defined by Trump, U.S. tariffs would probably on average 10 to 15 percentage points higher. In my opinion, tariffs actually hurt the U.S. economy, so while they would raise revenue ... they would reduce GDP growth," Hufbauer said. Observers believe that this logic ...
Trump signed on Thursday executive actions to grant temporary exemptions from tariffs imposed on Canadian and Mexican imports that are covered by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) until April 2. USMCA, namely the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, is a trade agreement that Trump's ...
@知了爱学reciprocal tariffs 知了爱学 互惠关税是指两国之间通过协议互相降低或取消关税,以促进贸易平衡和经济合作。这种关税政策旨在减少贸易壁垒,增加商品和服务的流通,从而推动双边贸易关系的健康发展。 互惠关税的定义与目的 互惠关税是国际贸易中常见的政策工具,其核心在于双方通过协商达成一致,互相降低或取消对对方...
川普升级贸易战,打出“对等关税”牌 | 美国总统特朗普说,他计划下周一或周二公布对等关税措施(reciprocal tariffs)。特朗普星期五(2月7日)在与来访的日本首相石破茂会晤时宣布这一消息。他说,此举将影响“每一个人”,但没有透露拟采取的措施细节。川普所说有“对等关税”,就是你对我的出口征多少关税,我也按同样...
Trump said late February that he will move forward with the reciprocal tariff on American trading partners as the schedule. Trump on Sunday underlined again he would start implementation of the sweeping reciprocal tariffs on April 2. “April 2 is a liberating day for our country,” Trump told ...
Trump stuck to his plan to impose reciprocal tariffs, resisting any exceptions, but indicated there could be "flexibility" on these tariffs set to come in force on April 2, which he calls the big one in his plan to reshape U.S. trade tensions. ...
Trump Implies Watered-Down Reciprocal Tariffs as Duties on More Industries to Come Soon TMTPOST -- U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday implied a number of countries may face watered-down reciprocal tariffs while new tariffs on different industries are on the horizon.Credit:China Central ...