Decisions that favor one’s own interest versus the interest of another individual depend on context and the relationships between individuals. The neurobiology underlying selfish choices or choices that benefit others is not understood. We developed a t
An agreement by a bank to guarantee payment by a seller made at the same time another bank guarantees performance by a buyer. Back-to-back credit is intended to reduce the risk of a transaction to a minimum. Back-to-back credit is also called countervailing credit or reciprocal credit. See...
IRTA has signed an agreement with a top-10 ranked virtual event software company – – to host our September 23rd to 25th, 2020 virtual convention. The virtual convention will take place four hours a day, three days in a row, and include a welcome reception, trade fair and ...
under a material transfer agreement with the University of Pennsylvania. Code availability The scripts used to analyze endothelial gene expression data can be found at: References Griffin, C. T. & Gao, S. Building discontinuous liver ...
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