field. the email server uses the recipient's email address to deliver the message to their mailbox. once the message reaches the recipient's mailbox, they can access it using an email client or web interface. the recipient can then read the email, reply to it, or perform other actions ... They are sent, via e-mail, to any individual with a valid e-mail address.Therecipient of ane-Gift Certificate will receive an e-mail with a redeemable promotional code to be used only at[...]
Non usare la proprietà PrimarySmtpAddress ; utilizzare invece la proprietà EmailAddresses . Qualsiasi filtro che utilizza la proprietà PrimarySmtpAddress ricercherà anche i valori nella proprietà EmailAddresses . Ad esempio, se una cassetta postale ha l'indirizzo dario@contoso.comdi posta elet...
To address this question, quantitative proteomics was used to compare the sEVs proteome derived from highly metastatic and poorly metastatic lung cancer cells. The proteome data of three biological replicates had good reproducibility, as principal component analysis (PCA) showed that PC2 was 1.5%. ...
To address this question, the recipient and the donor HLA-G +3142 C>G SNP was genotyped, in addition to the quantification of pre- as well as post-transplant sHLA-G concentrations. The results were correlated with the clinical outcome in terms of allograft loss and the occurrence of CMV ...
Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further detailshere. Article Metrics Article Access Statistics For more information on the journal statistics, clickhere. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view....
Aprire il messaggio crittografato in Outlook sul web, Outlook per Android o Outlook per iOS. Tali applicazioni gestiscono la decrittografia nel servizio e non richiedono l'accesso all'endpoint AIP. Escludere il destinatario (e possibilmente tutti gli utenti guest ed esterni) dai crit...
17.0-website_sale-reset-access-point-address-loug 17.0-website_sale_loyalty-fix_show_discount_subtotal-vcr 17.0-websocket_no_env-tsm 17.0-widgetLiveRefresh-voip-crm-aamo 17.0-winbooks-debug-oco 17.0-wrong-name-dane (odoo/odoo#172952) 17.0-ws_print_receipt-vifo 17.0-x2m-next-page-spec-fge...
To address these issues, we used phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and Ionomycin as reagents for the in vitro assay to mimic inflammation and immune cell response of T cell subsets. 2. Results 2.1. Induction of T cell Differentiation and Cytokine Production Upon PMA/Ionomycin Stimulation ...
Si applica a:Exchange Server 2013 Il contenuto di questo argomento non viene aggiornato per Microsoft Exchange Server 2013. Anche se non è ancora stato aggiornato, potrebbe comunque essere applicabile a Exchange 2013. In caso di problemi, consultare le risorse della community riportate di segu...