This is a collection of cooking recipes in json format generated using the recipebook application Contribute Pull requests are welcome Alphabetical & Numerical Index An alphanumeric listing by recipe title Component Index Grouped by ingredient, region, chef, or style aarons abbeys abbys abernathy absin...
Cooking the chicken pieces with the spices covered is crucial to keep the chicken moist and tender, but for the final stage you need to remove the lid so that the sauce can really reduce. Keep an eye on it. Burmese Indian Style Chicken Curry Recipe for a Rich Curry Fragrant with Ginger...
We also have more recipes using our curry powder here. Hope that helps! Reply Theresa says January 6, 2024 at 8:51 am Hi Guys , thanks for your curry spices recipe but could i be so cheeky 😃and ask you how to make a basic curry sauce useing these spices. Thank you and wishing...
1 tbsp. soy sauce 1 cup water 4 eggs (optional) 12 ounce package of ramen noodles Method Heat oil and add garlic, ginger, scallions, and chili sauce in a large pot over medium heat. Let it cook for 2 – 3 minutes or until the scallions start to soften. Add chicken stock, beef bro...
Easy Creamy Chicken in Tomato sauce Chicken Salad Recipes Perfect for lunch and dinner, chicken salads are healthy and delicious. They are also great for days when you want to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen because most often, the chicken is the only element that needs cooki...
I’ve come up with a version that is similar, but using much less oregano. Mine also pulls several new flavor layers to the meat. I think you’ll like the final taste on this pork, as both of us certainly did. When a marinade or sauce can take away the strong flavor of roasted ...
Vegetable Curry When I want something comforting, savory, and just a little spicy, I usually go with some form ofcurry. The robust flavor of a curry sauce acts as the perfect base for virtually any protein or vegetable. In this recipe, a variety ofvegetablestakes center stage alongside a ...
Beef: It's definitely what's for dinner, especially with these easy beef and steak recipes that are as versatile as they are deliciously hearty.
Golden Turmeric Chickpea Chicken Soup Lightened-Up Slow Cooker Chicken Wild Rice Soup Hearty Stews, Curries & Chowders Just like with soups,add your cooked, shredded turkey 10 minutes before serving! Again, ifyou’re using a slow cooker, stir in the turkey once everything else is done cookin...
Chris Urbano now brings easy and delicious Filipino food recipes and healthy Filipino cooking for a global audience. Join him take Filipino Food Global!