纯牛奶 120g干点 坚果麦片 15g午餐主食:燕麦饭/菜包燕麦 10g 大米 20g/菜包 20g糖醋里脊猪里脊 45g瑶柱蒸蛋鸡蛋 30g 瑶柱 10g蒜香娃娃菜娃娃菜 40g 大蒜 5g土豆海带汤土豆 15g 海带 15g午点湿点 紫米杂粮粥 20g干点 山楂片 15g特需餐果蔬汁青笋...
This library of cocktail recipes has traditional drinks such as margaritas, Tom Collins and others. It also contains drinks that are perfect for your favorite holidays to celebrate the season in style. Cocktail Techniques Before we start on the drinks themselves, why not have a read of some of...
饼干 30g午餐西红柿虾仁刀削面虾仁 5g 西红柿 10g 面条 50g三色鸡丁鸡丁 20g 胡萝卜 10g 彩椒 10g午点湿点 车厘子 50g干点 手工芝麻球 15g特需餐果蔬汁鸡汤番茄牛腩推荐晚餐香煎酥鱼蒜蓉双色甘蓝星期五2.28早点湿点 维扬鲜豆浆 100g干点 香葱煎饼 20g午...
Welcome to RecipeSource! RecipeSource is the new home of SOAR: The Searchable Online Archive of Recipes and your source for recipes on the Internet.December 13, 2024 RecipeSource : Dessert Recipes : Burger Recipes Potato Salad Recipes Dip & Spreads Recipes Search for Recipes:...
Layered Jello Salad provides an eye-catching and delicious dessert that you can savor at the end of each meal. The layers can be tweaked to your liking or even occasion. Use rainbow layers to introduce summer, pastel ones for spring and patriotic ones for the holidays. Use the layers to ...
Chicago-style pizza - This is very deep-dish pizza that originates from the city of Chicago. Chili con carne - A spicy stew made from meat (usually beef) and chile peppers. Some recipes also add other ingredients such as beans, onions, and tomatoes, although there are also people who ...
February 5, 2025BypalatablepastimeinChops,Dairy,Garlic,Herbs, Spices, Teas, and Coffee,Main Dish,Meats,Midwest,Milk & Cream,Mushrooms,Onions,Pickles,Pork,Sour Cream,Stovetop,United StatesTags:Alphabet Challenge,Letter "D" recipes,Midwest Recipes,Pork recipes,Pork Steaks,recipes using dill,simmered ...
StarbucksFrappuccinos® have been around since the mid-'90s, though it wasn’t until 1999 that the Caramel Frappuccino hit the scene. Prior to then, the drinks were just blended coffee and milk, so the addition ofcaramelandwhipped creamwas a HUGE deal, and it shows in this recipe!
That’s right, if whey protein usually makes you sick give Muscle Milk a try. It comes in at least 10 flavors and in 2.5 and 5 lb jugs. Click here to order or learn more. Without further adieu, here’s the list of protein shake recipes. 105 Protein Shake Recipes Note: if ...
Lots of store-bought beef sticks have tons of extra sugars, additives, and nasty fillers. Chomps is our keto-friendly answer to that nonsense. Chomps are made with the best ingredients possible and come in 3 low-carb varieties: Original Beef, Jalapeño Beef, Smoky BBQ Beef, and Salt & ...