A review of the book "Hands-On Healing Remedies: 150 Recipes for Herbal Balms, Salves, Oils, Liniments & Other Topical Therapies," by Stephanie Tourles is presented.RhigerMindyLibrary Journal
DIY Women’s Monthly SalveRead More » DIY Tension Relief Bath Bombs ByChrystal Johnson/February 28, 2021/2 minutes of reading Make your own DIY bath bombs to wash away body and head tension in this easy step by step DIY beauty tutorial. At the end of the day, there’s nothing better...
Lotions, scrubs, toners, balms, and masks polish and balance the skin, soothe current problems, and prevent future ones. Shampoos, rinses, and conditioners tone the scalp, boost highlights, and leave hair soft and shiny. The book's whole-body coverage also includes recipes fo...