acid refluxor GERD. The diet has not been well-studied for its impact on other health conditions. However, theinflammationcaused by acid reflux can be detrimental to your body, and there are connections between yourgut healthand your
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth. Step2 Serve immediately. Step3 *Note: this shake may also be made using Chiquita bananas that are not frozen. The result will not be quite as thick or cold, but equally as delicious! Ingredients for servings 2 whole...
Pre- and post-natal nutrition Gastrointestinal Issues (GERD, IBS, Constipation, Celiac Disease) Intolerances, Sensitivities and Allergies Vegans or Vegetarians Sports Nutrition / Athletic Training Diabetes Education Eating for a healthy heart Weight Management ...
Now, after years of research, I have finally created a ‘blueprint’ for my patients to help them optimize their lives and experience what it is like to be truly healthy. I outline the building blocks of this ‘blueprint’ in my best-selling book as well as a masterclass designed to ...