When I first started making seville orange marmalade, it was with the oranges from a neighbor's tree that had done just that. The rootstock took over the tree and my neighbor had a gorgeous orange tree with oranges that no body in her family wanted to eat! So, she happily gave me some...
Previously, making & drinking a cup of tea once the marmalade had cooked, worked fine as a way of waiting to jar the marmalade. This year (because I made a much larger batch?), all the peel floated to the top 1/2 of each jar. The marmalade must still have been too hot…. Is th...
Seville orange, also known as bitter orange or marmalade orange (or naranja agria in Spanish), is a hybrid between a pomelo and a mandarin, with a flavor somewhere in between. It's got the aromatic nature of a navel orange, but a great deal more bitterness and astringency in its juice....
Some types of cookery seem to belong to the most nerdish branch of hobbyism. Why pursue them,...Clee, Nicholas