commands work just fine, but the tool fails when trying to run ct-ng menuconfig and i get this error: CONF menuconfig /bin/bash: /usr/local/libexec/crosstool-ng/mconf: No such file or directory /usr/local/bin/ct-ng:107: recipe for target 'menuconfig' failed make: *** [menuconfig] ...
UBUNTU 18.04.6编译linux内核make ARCH=arm menuconfig提示recipe for target ‘menuconfig’ failed: 这是因为没有安装图形化 Kernel 配置工具。 要么安装libncurses5-dev库, 要么安装libncurses-dev 这是因为没有安装图形化 Kernel 配置工具。 要么安装libncurses5-dev库, 要么安装libncurses-dev 这样操作以后再执行m...
那linux kernel是怎样识别htc_msm_nand_defconfig 文件的呢?自己添加过一个config文件,编译配置却报“make[1]: *** No rule to make target”。后来发现,根目录的Makefile,有这么一段 # Brief documentation of the typical targets used # ???boards := $(wildcard $(srctree)/arch/$(ARC...
Makefile:42: recipe for target 'defconfig-wl18xx' failedmake: *** [defconfig-wl18xx] Error 2/---| Your backport package isn't configured, please configure it| using one of the following options:| To configure manually:| make oldconfig| make menuconfi...
recipe for target '/home/xuzui/3288/linux/buildroot/output/rockchip_rk3288/host/usr' failed mak...
make menuconfig #(left the defaults there) make-kpkg clean fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=1.0.custom kernel_image This results in this output: === making target debian/stamp/conf/minimal_debian [new prereqs: ]=== This is kernel package version 13.014+nmu1. test -d debian || ...
通过以上步骤,希望你能够找到解决问题的方法并成功完成编译。如果你需要进一步的帮助或者有其他问题,请随时告诉我,我会尽力提供支持。 最终解决方案: menuconfig-》target Images-》ROOT filesystem partition size(in MB) 把这个数值调大就行,我设的500 反正我是这样解决的...
*** *** Please run some configurator (e.g. "make oldconfig" or *** "make menuconfig" or "make xconfig"). *** scripts/kconfig/Makefile:36: recipe for target 'silentoldconfig' failed make[2]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 1 Makefile:542: recipe for target 'silentoldconfig' failed make...
Hi, I've been trying to build the Carambola image but for some vague reason it fails. First time it failed it was due to insufficent disk space on the VM but after increasing it still fails with the "recipe for target 'world' failed" exi...
设置好kernel header之后就可以在user-rootfsconfig里增加CONFIG_v4l2loopback,并在rootfs menuconfig里enable v4l2loopback,最后就可以运行petalinux-build完成v4l2loopback kernel module compile&install。板子上启动linux之后可以用sudo modprobe v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1 video_nr=4命令生成/dev/video4这个虚拟camera...