Here is the simple recipe for Homemade Honey, Thieves Honey & Lemon Essential Oil Drops: 1 cup honey, brought to 300* using a candy thermometer as instructed. It took about 20 minutes for mine to reach 300 degrees. Stir often and start on med low heat. Then turn to low to prevent bo...
anelderberry syrup recipeis made with water, elderberries and honey (or sugar.) Although sometimes additional ingredients such as cinnamon sticks, ginger, lemon, clove and garlic are also added. Rather than infusing the elderberries in alcohol over a long period of time as with the tincture, e...
Label, date, and store your cough syrup in the fridge. To serve, pour out a small bit at a time, and reheat it for maximum benefit. If I’m at home, with no plans to drive or do anything other than rehabilitate, I will drink up to six of those small cups each day. Love Tea?
Learn how to make a hot toddy!Made with hot water, whiskey, honey, and lemon juice, this classic drink is a famous home remedy for a cough or a cold. When Jack has a sore throat, he always makes this hot toddy recipe to soothe it. ...
I decided to use only turnips for dinner, I boiled the greens and then used the turnip for this was delicious! Reply · Jan 16 · #58931 Leslie (Washington) says: Great turnip recipe and the author is right -- turnip haters DO like this recipe. It makes a small quantity...
Here are step-by-step directions for this cough syrup recipe: What do you need: 1 cup whiskey ½ cup peppermint Schnapps 1 cup of honey 2 lemon Procedure: Take one cup filled with honey and next squeeze a lemon in this. After that, add Peppermint Schnapps and whisky. ...