In addition, it represents a practical basis for the classification of the peritonitis and allows comparison of clinical studies testing different adjuvant therapeutic regimens for peritonitis.doi:10.1007/BF01836786G. WeschR. A. SteifensandM. M. Lindere...
Körnung 5 (76 mm - 100 mm)— wird z. B. für Drainagen, Trockenbrunnen, Kläranlagen und Bahngleise verwendet. So werden die verschiedenen Körnungen von Schotter in der Regel verwendet. Wie du unseren Schotter Rechner verwendest Hier erfährst du, wie du den Schotter-Rechner nutz...
Accordingly, the virtual device driver registry ensures that the virtual device drivers in the set of virtual device drivers associated with the registry have identifiers that need only be unique for that registry. In addition, the registry provides for greater flexibility in selection of identifiers ...
The data stored in the non-volatile memory may also be useful in investigating an accident or malfunction. The fail-safe device still further includes a reset button which returns power after an undesired operating condition if it is momentarily depressed.BALA, JOHN L., AMHERST NEW HAMPSHIRE , ...
Each time the computer system is started, a check is made to determine if a configuration change resulted in a lower level of protection. If so, the user is asked if he would like the disk units on the computer system to be re-paired to increase the level of protection.MARTIN DENNIS ...
by the printing apparatus, the automatic placing of the at least one job in the queue, wherein the user is identified at the printing apparatus, in response to which the at least one job ordered on behalf of the said user is automatically placed at a predetermined location in the queue. ...
One or more metarouters in the scalable interconnect network route messages between the first set of routers so that each one of the routers in a first cluster is connected to all other clusters through one or more metarouters.THORSON, GREGORY M....