Sans le savoir, vous en connaissez probablement déjà un peu sur la génomique. Par exemple, vous avez certainement entendu parler de l’ADN et des gènes dans les médias. Vous êtes sûrement au courant que vous avez hérité de plusieurs des traits de vos ancêtres. Ces traits sont di...
Methods Eighteen volunteer members, 12 patient-partners and 6 clinician/institutional representatives, were invited to represent the six research themes of the Centre de recherche du CHU de Sherbrooke (CRCHUS) (Quebec, Canada). Information on the services offered by Committee was disseminated ...
Jobboom est le site de référence au Québec en matière de recherche et d'offres d'emploi, de recrutement en ligne et d'information sur le marché du travail.
Simultaneous optimisation of land use and transportation in new town design : Marc Los, Centre de Recherche sur les Transports, Université de Montréal, Case Postale 6128, Station A, Montréal, Quebec, H3C 357. (Dissertation in the Department of City and Regional Planning, University of ...
Division de Recherche en Prevision Numerique Atmospheric Environment Service, Montreal, QuebecThe effect of vertical truncation in connexion with interpolation of geo- potential from standard pressure to sigma levels is examined. It is shown that the hydrostatically related tem- perature and geopotential...
GPM. During the tests achieved, the temperature of the cooling fluid (water/glycol, 50% by volume) at the inlet of the ORC machine condenser and its flow rate, were kept constant at 15°C and 170 U.S. GPM, respectively.Vasile MineaPh.D...
Supported in part by a grant from the Fonds de la Recherche en Sante du Quebec (FRSQ). The acquisition of data was funded by Zeneca Pharmaceuticals (Canada). Samy Suissa is the recipient of a Senior Scientist award of the Medical Research Council of...
This project was sponsored by the Fonds de la Recherche en Sante du Quebec (FRSQ), and by Hydro-Quebec and Quebec Heart Foundation. Dr. Vohl is the recipient of a fellowship from the Medical Research Council of Canada.Relative contribution of low-den...
Universite de Montreal (Canada).Yelle, Francois.Universite de Montreal (Canada).Yelle, F. (2004). Etude de la litterature reflexive de la recherche universitaire quebecoise en communication mediatique (These de doctorat inedite). Universite de Montreal, Montreal....
The Role for the Small Cryptic Plasmids As Moldable Vectors for Genetic Innovation insubsp..Sabrina A AttéréAntony T VincentMégane Paccaud