16.any trait, function, structure, or substance of an organism resulting from the effect of one or more genes. 17.any encoded unit of computer-usable data representing a symbol, as a letter, number, or puncuation mark, or a space, carriage return, etc. ...
Medical Legal Financial heir heir,person designated by law to succeed to the ownership ofpropertyof another if that owner does not make a contrary disposition of it bywill. A person who takes property left to him by will is not an heir but a legatee. The property that the heir receives ...
297 CD45 deficiency in humans was reported for the first time in 1997, in an infant with SCID,298 and is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Since then, two other cases have been identified.299,300 Pathogenesis Cale and colleagues reported an infant with SCID ...
in NDRG1 studies support the notion that a homozygous duplication is associated with the known NDRG1 mutation–associated neuropathy, whereas heterozygous duplication represents a carrier state for this recessive trait (Figure 1a), a contention further supported by follow-up PCR studies (see below)...
Facial signs of the reported patients resemble those present in the fronto-nasal "dysplasia" syndrome; however, the whole clinical picture in the present patients suggests a true MCA/MR syndrome, most likely inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Climcal and genetic aspects of the present ...
If the new mutation leads to a new phenotype, this new trait will only surface in the first generation of offspring having inherited the mutated DNA if it corresponds to a dominant character. If it is a recessive character, some degree of inbreeding between the descendants of that individua...
Hybrid seed set in wheat is a complex trait but can be improved indirectly by selection for male floral traits. Euphytica , 2018 , 214: 110 -113 CrossRef Google Scholar [68] Selva C, Riboni M, Baumann U, et al. Hybrid breeding in wheat: How shaping floral biology can offer new...
Therefore,halfofthedaughtershavethegeneandcanpassittothenextgenerationiftheirmotherisacarrier.Theotherhalfdonothavethegeneand,therefore,cannotpassiton.Halfofthesonsdonothavethegeneandcannotpassiton.Theotherhalfofthesonshaveinheritedthegeneandwillexpress Criteria Hemizygousaffectedmalesdonottransmitthetraitto...
Therefore, the neuropathological picture of familial AD caused by the APP recessive mutation A673V presents distinctive characteristics compared to sporadic AD or familial AD inherited as a dominant trait. Main peculiar features are the morphology, structural properties and composition of the Aβ ...