One dominant allele is enough for a dominant trait to be observed in the offspring. Even if it occurs with a recessive allele, the dominant allele will still determine the expression of a specific trait. On the other hand, a recessive allele is not expressed when it is paired with a domin...
Answer and Explanation: A dominant allele overpowers other alleles, so the transmission of a dominant allele to a child from one parent will cause that particular trait to appear. A recessive allele requires each parent contribute the recessive allele for the child to have that trait appear. ...
Answer to: What is an allele? What are the differences between dominant and recessive alleles? What are some examples of each allele as well? By...
2.Incasesinwhichtwoormoreformsofthegeneforasingletraitexist,someformsofthegenemaybedominantandothersmayberecessive. Mendel’sPrinciples 3.Inmostsexuallyreproducingorganisms,eachadulthastwoallelesforeachgene–onefromeachparent. Theseallelesaresegregatedfromeachotherwhengametesareformed.Oneallelegoesintoeachgametecell...
So what is the difference between dominant and recessive alleles? A dominant allele refers to the version of the gene that is expressed, or visible, while a recessive allele represents the version of the gene that is hidden, or masked. Gregor Mendel and Dominant Vs. Recessive Alleles Gregor ...
Related to recessive:Recessive allele,homozygous re·ces·sive (rĭ-sĕs′ĭv) adj. 1.Tending to go backward or recede. 2. a.GeneticsOf, relating to, or designating an allele that does not produce a characteristic effect when present with a dominant allele. ...
英文: The dominant allele usually controls the normal form of the gene, while mutations are generally RECESSIVE.中文: 显性基因通常控制基因的一般形式,而突变通常是隐性的。英文: An allele that, in a heterozygote, prevents the expression of another (recessive) allele at the same locus.中文: 杂合...
An allele "a" is said to be recessive with respect to the dominant allele "A", if the A/A homozygote and the A/a heterozygote are phenotypically identical and different from the a/a homozygote. A recessive character, therefore, only manifests in the homozygote. Large㏒cale ENU Mutagenesis...
recessive lethal allele 隐性致死基因:一种等位基因,纯合时可致死。; allele 等位基因; 等位基因:一个座位上的基因所具有的几种不同形式之一。; 基因突变产生的遗传因子; 基因等位; dominant allele 显性等位基因; (显性等位基因):决定杂合中表型的等位基因。; 释义:显性等位基因; ...
adjectiveGeneticsOf, relating to, or designating an allele that does not produce a characteristic effect when present with a dominant allele. adjectiveOf or relating to a trait that is expressed only when the determining allele is present in the homozygous condition. ...