Step 2:You can find recently installed programs and apps under the Recently added list. The list displays up to three recently added apps and applications, but you can view all newly added programs and apps by clicking theExpandbutton. NOTE:If the Recently added list is not appearing, it li...
1.Launch a terminal window, and execute the followingapt commandto view the list of all recently-installed packages. Here, thetail commandis used to display the last 10 lines of a file. $ sudo apt list --installed | tail -n 10 This will list the 10 most recently-installed packages. L...
I installed python3.6 on wsl and set my VSC integrated terminal to bash in the settings.json If I set python.pythonPath: "python3" the VSC then warn me to select python environment and shows only the ... python-3.x visual-studio-code ...
Can't find any uninstall options in add/remove programs and intel chipset inst listed in driver cleaner. Any suggestions? *Confused oli_ramsay, May 2, 2023 #3 L Louie_101 Win User I recently installed Discord App. I want to uninstall it but I can't. discord on PC slow? Hi the...
that's all off already dude lol, I'm really surprised there is no fix for the recent files list/MRU in the file menu of programs haha I appreciate the help, MS really needs to implement a Group Policy or a string that can do that for all programs installed eidairaman1, Dec 1, ...
I'm just installed android studio, and I tried setting my environment variable several times. I even put it under the System Variables list as well as the User variables list. Please Help. I am on a ... flutter windows android-studio command-prompt amir_a14 1,935 answered May 26 at...
This article describes how to clear the list of recently used files in 2007 Microsoft Office programs. More Information To clear the list of recently used files, use one of the following methods depending on the program that you are using. ...
\Users\iyashpal\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\node_modules.asar\vscode-proxy-agent\out\index.js:294:77 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at _PacProxyAgent.resolveP [as resolver] (c:\Users\iyashpal\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\node_modules.asar\...
but then when I setup the NEW LAPTOP this week, all the same programs as the old laptop, exact same settings, converted a batch of photosALL B&W--- the solution! ---turns out, it's the order you install the programs that'...
*What is the Java version you have installed in your computer? And, is it 32-64 bits? *Can you login from another computer? *Could you please go to Control Panel > Programs > Java > Advanced > expand Debuggin and enable loging and tracing. Try again and share the output here. ...