Recent trends in white-collar crime include a shift in theoretical orientation to opportunity and choice perspectives, a rising interest in the psychology of white-collar crime, research focused on the role of white-collar crime in the global financial crisis, and a continuation of research ...
V1.While Enron is certainly the most well known case of white-collar crime in recent years,this type of crime isby all meansan isolated incident.A.错误B.正确 满分:2 分2.Investigators agreed that passengers on the plane mustbe dyingat the very moment of the crash.A.错误B.正确 满分:2 ...
How would you best explain white-collar crime? How are criminals fundamentally different from non-criminals? What are the defining elements of employee crime, and why is it more of a problem or less of a problem than the crimes ...
Some examples of testing frauds relating to COVID-19 include the following: Collecting payments from the government for tests and not providing the results; Fraudulently billing federal government benefit programs for COVID-19 testing; Making false statements about the results of COVID-19 tests; Ma...
White Collar Crime in the Mutual Fund Industry Andrew Peterson. LFB Scholarly, 2012 Read preview Overview The Most Dangerous Man in Detroit: Walter Reuther and the Fate of American Labor Nelson Lichtenstein. Basic Books, 1995 Read preview Overview In the Black: A History of African Amer...
doi:10.1146/annurev-soc-071811-145546White-collar crime is one of the least understood and arguably most consequential of all crime types. This review highlights and assesses recent (primarily duriSocial Science Electronic Publishing
WhitakerG. Warren