Over 2K filmgoers have voted on the 50+ Best Mel Gibson Movies. Current Top 3: Braveheart, The Patriot, Lethal Weapon
It is perfectly possible to admire the screen work of Tom Hanks, to enjoy most of his movies, and even to meet him, as I did last week, and think he's a pretty nice guy, and still feel entirely baffled as to why he's one of the biggest box-office stars of all time.Felperin...
Seth and the "Robot Chicken" crew also contributed a list of 10 comic books that would — or wouldn't — make great movies, and a list of the specific comics that got them each hooked. July 20, 2009 More media and DVD release this Tuesday Seth is hitting the airwaves this Tuesday to...
Over 2K filmgoers have voted on the 50+ Best Mel Gibson Movies. Current Top 3: Braveheart, The Patriot, Lethal Weapon