Ages of Supreme Court justices and recent retirees
The psychology of the Supreme Court With the media spotlight on the recent developments concerning the Supreme Court, more and more people have become increasingly interested in the highest court in the land. Who are the justices that run it and how do they make their deci... LS Wrightsman ...
The Court of Appeals first considered whether Brandon was an “invitee” — one who enters the property of another in response to an express or implied invitation of the owner or occupant for their mutual benefit — or a “licensee” — who enters another’s property for his own benefit or...
Supreme Court revamped death row, revolutionized school policies and expanded state rights, but 15 decisions that might have been expected to be decided 5-4 came in at 6-3, as the usual alliances subtly shifted. The most stable high court in history--the same nine justices have served ...
Analysis: Recent workings of the Supreme Court amid speculation of retiring justicesMICHELE NORRIS
AN IDEOLOGICAL CENTER of four smart, well-prepared, relatively non-dogmatic justices dominated the 1993-94 Supreme Court term.David H. Souter, whom former White House Chief of Staff John Sununu once described as a "home run" for conservatives, has turned into a ground-rule double for liberals...