This chapter is based on the involvement of a longtime scholar-activist reflecting on the use of popular education and participatory research in his development. The use of these pedagogies and methods, dating back to social movements in the Global South and North, have been used with a vision ...
Review Articles Biosynthesis, acquisition, regulation, and upcycling of heme: recent advances Fei Yu, Ziwei Wang, Zihan Zhang, Jingwen Zhou, Jianghua Li, Jian Chen, show all Pages 1422-1438 | Received 25 Aug 2023, Accepted 25 Nov 2023, Published online: 16 Jan 2024 Cite this artic...
The market is determined by supply and demand, and delivery times vary accordingly. If there is a shortage in the market, delivery times increase; if there is an abundance of supply, they shorten. In the past three years, a clear sellers' market prevailed due to various restrictions and unf...
There are more than 1 980 articles published on site 2025.02.03 Published article "Automating Trading Strategies in MQL5 (Part 5): Developing the Adaptive Crossover RSI Trading Suite Strategy". In this article, we develop the Adaptive Crossover RSI Trading Suite System, which uses 14- and 50...
2. Methods of extraction and basic knowledge on biofuels 3. Applications of biofuels 4. Production of biofuels and biodiesel via biomass and its uses 5. Primitive information, preparation, and cleansing techniques of biogas 6. Advantages and disadvantages associated with biofuels 7. An outlook of ...
This review article highlights most of the articles posted in current years inside the literature which can be especially centered on electrocatalysts engineering that are bifunctionally lively for each ORR and OER. This review article is unique from other currently posted papers on oxygen ...
(2021) focused on the intuitionistic fuzzy transportation problem in order to deal with its unpredictable parameters such as fuel charges, climatic situations, product supply and demand, and so on. In this context, a critically examined review has been presented to solve problems and find ...
The hardest part is often knowing where and how to get started, but this guide by Munish Gupta, founder of Supply Chain Advisory Group, covers everything you need to know at an early EU market entry stage.Continue readingHow to Import Products to the EU Using a Foreign Company...
select article Demand and Driver Supply Implications of Regular Public Transportation System for Policy Makers: A Case Study of Kandahar City, Afghanistan Research articleOpen access Demand and Driver Supply Implications of Regular Public Transportation System for Policy Makers: A Case Study of Kandahar ...
Energy Demand Reduction: supply chains and risk analysis C. J. Axon R. C. Darton Energy Efficiency (2023) A blockchain consensus mechanism that uses Proof of Solution to optimize energy dispatch and trading Sijie Chen Hanning Mi Chongqing Kang Nature Energy (2022) Blockchain in energy ...