The telescope will lift off from the Arianespace ELA-3 launch complex at European Spaceport near Kourou, French Guiana. Watch the launch live at Official NASA Broadcast Looking Ahead: Exploring Space With "The Webb" space telescope “Space, the final frontier…” Those words from the opening ...
Here are some quotes he jotted down, which we hope will be representative of responses from non-hard core gamers. “Ramming is freaking hilarious!” “It’s kind of like bowling.” (On ramming) “This is the least frustrating RTS experience I’ve had. I feel like I’m actually in ...
TV guide says they're bouncing TWO people from Survivor next week, so they piss off their fans AND they lose an hour of Top 15 ad revenue - why? Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog! Mike Malloy Live Quotes "I think the Slau...
four cents from each dollar you spend. Search Now: Quotes "I'm amazed at our citizens who understand the risks, understand the hardships, who volunteer to do this." --Dubya, amazed that more soldiers don't desert to get drunk and snort coke during wartime like he did,Link ...
Quotes "If we're able tokill health care for all Americans, it will be Obama's Waterloo. It will break him." --Sen. Jim DeMint, bragging about hurting poor people,Link "I'm from Chicago. I don't break." -- Obama, rubbing DeMint's nose in dog poop,Link ...
Quotes "If they're going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk of what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate for the future." -- Santorum, endorsing OBAMA over etch-a-sketch Romney, swear to KoreshLink ...