T. Tao, Some recent progress on the restriction conjecture, Fourier analysis and convex- ity, Birkha¨user Boston, Boston, MA, 2004, pp. 217-243.T. Tao, Some recent progress on the restriction conjecture, Fourier analysis and convexity, 217-243, Appl. Numer. Harmon. Anal., Birkh¨a...
To make further progress it is now necessary to make some assumption about vi. It is postulated now that(2.2)vi=eziψ, where e zi is the charge on the ion of type i, and ψ is the time average of the electrical potential at the point in question. Next it is assumed that Poisson’...
Was there any postwar restriction on the buying or selling of gold by private individuals? Friedman doesn’t say. All he can come up with is the idea that the Fed had been given “discretionary power to ‘manage’ the stock of money.” Who gave the Fed this power? And how was this ...
zwitterions) [33]. The formation of a dipole depends on the polarity of the bond, which is determined by the bond is determined by the difference in electronegativity
Foskett Spring in Oregon’s desert harbors a historically threatened population of Western Speckled Dace (Rhinichthys klamathensis). Though recently delisted, the dace’s recruitment depends upon regular removal of encroaching vegetation. Previous studie