Privatisation: Recent Experiences and Prospects in a World Without BordersThe world-wide slowdown in economic growth, which started in the early 1970s, immediately launched experts into a concerted effort to find explanations and devise appropriate remedial policies. Prominent among the explanations of ...
Liu Fanglu 2011.03 Contents a bad period in the 1970s. A change of government in 1979. An privatisation in the 1980s. The picture has been brighter in 1992-1995. A particularly bad period in the 1970s. Oil price rises High rates of inflation The value of the UK currency fall Workers ...
The Government's decision to veto the British Gas Corporation's proposed contract for the Norwegian Sleipner gas field, the abolition of the British National Oil Corporation, the year-long mining dispute and the proposed privatisation of the gas industry have all been major events in the United ...
Due to doubts about the efficacy of rate of return regulation the UK Government commissioned a study of all options for regulating British Telecom before its privatisation in 1983. Littlechild (198...Recent developments in the economics of public utility regulation. Weyman-Jones,G. . 1994...
Besides privatisation, the restructuring of farm enterprises was considered crucial for an efficient agricultural transformation (see =-=Davis 1997-=-). The current farm structure in Romania has the following features: • state farms that were converted into so-called commercial companies (according ...
Besides privatisation, the restructuring of farm enterprises was considered crucial for an efficient agricultural transformation (see =-=Davis 1997-=-). The current farm structure in Romania has the following features: • state farms that were converted into so-called commercial companies (according ...