For analysis, search analysis of text and image used in video, internet, booklet type of Ads and PR material for election, and election campaign. Video is used in election campaign during election period. Unique and creative political campaign is customized micro-marketing election strategy trend ...
How Much Difference Did Campaign Ads Make? Not Much, Voters Say What You Didn't Hear About on Election Night: The Other 43 States By Michael Barone November 7, 2024 Election 2024: 36% Liked Media Coverage of the Campaign November 6, 2024 ...
Document Ads API Prior to today, creating a Document Ad was only available to advertisers through Campaign Manager. The new Document Ads API allows advertisers to now have access to a new format during ad creation on partner platforms. To learn more, see the Document Ads API page. Ad Analyti...
Such political pauses are commonplace, such as candidates halting ads on Sept. 11, but doing so for an attack in Israel underscores the ongoing conflict’s importance in local politics. — Jeff Coltin More from the city: — Winnie Greco, a mayoral aide under federal investigation, steered Ada...
Corporate Political ContributionsCorporate Issue-AdsElectioneering CommunicationsCorruption And Corporate Independent ExpenditureProtection of Shareholders and Political SpeechDISCLOSE ACTPolitical Funds LawPublic Election LawCitizens United v. FEC made almost every US lawyer, politician and scholar worried or ... References Adomavicius G, Kwon YO (2008) Overcoming accuracy-diversity tradeoff in recommender systems: a variance-based approach Adomavicius G, Tuzhilin A (2005) Toward the next generation of recomme...
the government launched a campaign to identify and register stateless individuals, known as "bidoon," by providing them with identification documents, and the granting of citizenship to a limited number of individuals. However, according to the Report on Bidoon in the UAE, which was published on...
Banner ads by the day, by the week, or by the month Click to get more Hits Quotes "Oh my God, oh my God, ...I can't begin to tell you..." -- some NBC reporter from Haiti Have we ever seen anything this bad? I watched NBC news last night and I cried. Haiti was so...
Banner ads by the day, by the week, or by the month Click Here to get more Hits The Unholy Alliance This is not about the Catholics Link Send e-mail to Bart Weird Picture of the Day Link I'll bet you've never seen anything like it. Send e-mail to Bart Quotes "...
would form Super-PAC to run ads against him? After eight years of Der Monkey Fuhrer, the last thing this planet needs out of America is more leadership from the religiously insane. Send e-mail to Bart Seeing the ads puts food on my family, PLEASE turn off your AdBlocker. Shop Online...