20 Pictures of Young Mel Gibson Read 21 Get the Gringo Mel Gibson, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Jesús Ochoa 423 votes Get the Gringo sees Mel Gibson take on the role of a career criminal who finds himself locked up in Mexico's notorious El Pueblito prison after being captured by authorities nea...
in 2016 or so,SNL had a skitfeaturing an airing of an African-American version of 'Jeopardy' on which a white MAGA-type (Tom Hanks) comes on to play. As it turns out, he shares a number of concerns with the other players, and thus he answers a number of questions correctly. In th...
The footage saw the self-proclaimed black Barbie yelling at her boyfriend, but don't freak out. The pair were just so into their characters while reenacting a scene from 2013's "Captain Philips". Kenneth playedTom Hanks' titular character while Nicki took on the role of the head honcho S...
Walt Disney Pictures has released the first poster from the upcoming feature "Mars Needs Moms!" The movie is about a 12-year-old boy (voiced by Seth) who gains greater appreciation for his mom after she's kidnapped and taken to Mars. Filmed in 3D using performance-capture animation, the ...
In an era of easy digital photography, when we can take a picture of anything at any time, we cannot imagine what life was like before George Eastman brought photography to people. Yes, there were photographers, and for relatively large sums of money they would take stilted pictures in studi...
It is perfectly possible to admire the screen work of Tom Hanks, to enjoy most of his movies, and even to meet him, as I did last week, and think he's a pretty nice guy, and still feel entirely baffled as to why he's one of the biggest box-office stars of all time.Felperi...