Moreover, there has been no comparative studies made on any of the newly proposed method or any modifications made in the few papers available that reviewed on the testing procedure, especially in terms of proppant conductivity testing standards, such as by Duenckel et al. (2016, 2017) and ...
One of the very active area of research is image enhancement which is growing very fast. Many researchers have proposed various research papers with enhancement of various parameter by combining DE with different image enhancement techniques. This paper reviews several approaches for contrast enhancement...
A comprehensive collection of recent papers on graph deep learning - DeepGraphLearning/LiteratureDL4Graph
Fractional Order Image ProcessingRelated Papers(Last updated 3/7/2013)Journal Papers1.Dali Chen, Hu Sheng, YangQuan Chen and Dingy眉Xue. Fractional-order variational optical flowmodel formotion estimation.Phil Trans R Soc A20120148., to appear)2....
GNN4NLP-Papers A list of recent papers about GNN methods applied in NLP areas. Now, the repository includes papers published at ACL, EMNLP, NAACL-HLT, COLING, ICLR, WWW, IJCAI, AAAI, NIPS, ICML, KDD, SIGIR and so on. New! Oct. 12, 2022: Add COLING-2022!
For our analysis, we have selected some papers among the most recent ones that we think are particularly representative of those that can be categorized into at least one of the distinct groups that we have outlined above. A further principle that we have used for this selection is performance...
Content API: Externalizing Document Ads In September 2022, we rolled out a new ad format, Document Ads, which allows advertisers to share ungated and gated documents, such as case studies, white papers, or research reports, directly in the LinkedIn feed. With Document Ads, target audiences ...
Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review, have been highlighted as: Acknowledgements The Kamphorst lab is supported by funding from Cancer Research UK and the Rosetrees Trust. JJK is a Cancer Research UK Career Development Fellow (C50242/A17728). Owing to space constr...
Recent Papers Related To Fuzzing All Papers (Classification according to Conference) S&P 2020 SAVIOR: Towards Bug-Driven Hybrid Testing S&P 2019 NEUZZ: Efficient Fuzzing with Neural Program Smoothing Fuzzing File Systems via Two-Dimensional Input Space Exploration ProFuzzer: On-the-fly Input Type Prob...
Recent Papers including Neural Symbolic Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Visual Reasoning, planning and any other topics connecting deep learning and reasoning - floodsung/Deep-Reasoning-Papers