H.M. Venkatesan, S.R. Mohammad, S. Ponnan, K.J. Kim, P. Gajula, H. Kim, A.P. Arun, Cobalt ferrite-embedded polyvinylidene fluoride electrospun nanocomposites as flexible triboelectric sensors for healthcare and polysomnographic monitoring applications. Nano Energy129, 110003 (2024) Article...
reported a solvent-free method for synthesizing pyrano[2,3-d:6,5-d′]dipyrimidines 61 catalyzed by β-CD as efficient catalysts with assist the microwave irradiations (Avvadukkam et al., 2021). The TCR of aryl aldehyde 1, Meldrum's acid (44), and 6-amino-1,3-dimethyluracil (60)...