In modern WWII movies, unpalatable episodes rooted in reality are taken to the extreme and beyond, which generally distorts the viewer’s perception of both the war and the Red Army’s role in it. Such clichés are refreshingly absent inThe Last Frontier. The screenplay was created on the ba...
In WWII movies, there are always two Americans manning a machine gun nest and slaughtering whole divisions of advancing Germans or Japanese. When a lucky enemy shot happens to hit one of the GIs, his friend becomes furious, curses and wipes out a couple of more enemy divisions as punishment...
the average age a child would be fully daytime potty trained was typically around 18 months old, instead of about double that today in the Western world. The change began to happen around the mid-20th century thanks to the introduction of disposable diapers and heavy marketing...
TThhee XX--rraayy ppuullssee eenneerrggyy iisseexxppeecctteeddttoobbeeccoonnssttaannttuuppttoo~~330000 kkHHzz,, aanndd wwiillllssccaalleeiinnvveerrsseellyy wwiitthh rreeppeettiittiioonnrraattee((,,ccoonnssttaanntt aavveerraaggeeXX--rraayyppoowweerr))ffoorrrreeppeettiittiioon...