H&F’s Seeks $30 Billion Valuation of Hub in Fundraising Girl Scouts Sued Over Alleged Metals, Pesticides in Thin Mints, Other Cookies Most Execs Feel More Stressed at Start of 2025 Than 2024: Sentry US Labor Board Drops Defense of Law Barring Trump From Firing Democratic Member ...
Recent ReleasesBrowse the latest releases—don’t miss updated analysis from the latest laws and regulations, and revised insights from current case law. Call 800.223.1940 to ensure you have the latest release of the below publications today. ...
This chapter is based on the involvement of a longtime scholar-activist reflecting on the use of popular education and participatory research in his development. The use of these pedagogies and methods, dating back to social movements in the Global South and North, have been used with a vision ...
Yep, we're about a hundred Burners crammed into space designed to house about 70, and since we want to make sure the organisation keeps its good name, drug laws are respected enough that it's mostly a Peruvian beer called Cristal and local rum that gets consumed. Not quite my scene, ...
(1.4%) and renewable electricity capacity (6.9%), respectively. Among different types of energy policy (strategies, laws and regulations), strategies have greater impacts on advancing electrification, clean cooking and renewable electricity capacity than laws and regulations, whereas the laws are more ...
aOther countries, including the majority of European nations, New Zealand and Uruguay, have enacted laws allowing civil unions or domestic partnerships, designed to give gay couples similar rights as married couples concerning legal issues such as inheritance and immigration [translate] a毕业设计应用型...
Viewpoint: The Evolution of Homeowners Insurance in California—From Niche to Necessity For many years, the homeowners insurance market operated as a relatively stable and predictable sector in California. Changes were incremental, and the market largely catered to... Lloyd’s Said It Will Lose $...
The Court of Justice has recently rendered four judgments (C-302/19; C-94/20; C-350/20; C-462/20) concerning the access to social security and social assistance for third-country nationals. In the recent years, there have been attempts by some Member States to restrict or exclude access...
Ross Dawson interviewed on immigration, talent, metropolitan areas, and Australia’s demographic future Jun 28, 2010 — ABC Ballarat The future of Australia: Population growth and regional centers Interview with Ross Dawson on Australia’s choices on population growth and the impact on regional areas...