Released: 2022 Directed by: Gerard Johnstone Also ranks #3 on The 18 Best Technology Horror Movies That Every Fan Needs To See Also ranks #7 on The 10 Best Killer Robot Horror Movies Of All Time Also ranks #8 on Horror Movies With A Sense Of Humor To Make The Scares Go Down...
Aug 19th 2024- Uploaded reviews on two new movies released this monthLONGLEGS(13 min) andALIEN:ROMULUS(29 min) Aug 13th 2024- New 54 min video-UK "far right" riots 2024 - The Long-term Causes Aug 8th 2024- New video series -100 movies and TV shows that changed me.Part Onefree on...
Released: 2002 Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan Also ranks #4 on Plot Holes That'll Ruin Your Favorite Horror Movies Also ranks #4 on Movie Villains Who Would’ve Been Way Worse Off If They Succeeded Also ranks #4 on Every M. Night Shyamalan Movie's Rotten Tomatoes...
What’s It About:“V/H/S,” released last year, and “V/H/S/2,” which premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival before getting a summer release on VOD and in theaters, are horror anthology films along the lines of “Creepshow” that follow the same format: a bunch of ...
Bye Sweet Carole is an upcoming chilling narrative-horror game inspired by classic animation movies like Disney along with the works of Chris Darril. Late last month a new trailer arrived and it looks good. A game I pointed out back in Mayafter somehow missing it before. I'm...
In 1944, MGM, the film studio that had produced "The Wizard of Oz” just five years prior, released a short film titled “ Movie Pests” that warned moviegoers against engaging in disruptive behavior. Some of the film’s concerns — sticking gum...
While this gruesome carnival ground forward, he released mixtape after mixtape of surgical, completely emotionless rap music. His rap style was a surreptitious mutter, the sort of voice you might use to crack bleak jokes to yourself under your breath. When he rapped, you found yourself leaning ...
That led to a lovely influx of sudden cash, as if I’d just released 4 books at once. Ever since, I’ve left the ads going to the series page, and the series page has had that truck blurb, and the ads had that truck blurb too, and book one had the truck blurb, and that ...
An editor and writer thinks about recent books, films and television shows — particularly in the science fiction, fantasy, horror and mystery genres
Supernatural,one of the best horror series of all time, features the classic rock song “Carry On Wayward Son” by Kansas. The song was released in 1976, and it quickly reached #11 on theUS Billboard Hot 100. Since the song’s use in the popular show, fans consider itSupernatural’s ...