Released: 2024 Directed by: Oz Perkins Also ranks #2 on The Best Neon Horror Movies Of All Time Also ranks #2 on The Best Nicolas Cage Horror Movie Of All Time Also ranks #3 on New Female Leading Movies Of 2024, Ranked By Fans 23 Lights Out Frank Grillo, Mekhi Phifer, Jaime...
Third Window Films has announced the March 2025 release of writer-director Kondo Keishi's 2022 J-horrorNew Religionon a Blu-ray that will also include his short, spin-off movie,Neu Mirrors. InNew Religion, after her daughter's death in an accident, Miyabi gets a divorce, starts working a...
Also ranks #4 on Plot Holes That'll Ruin Your Favorite Horror Movies Also ranks #4 on Movie Villains Who Would’ve Been Way Worse Off If They Succeeded Also ranks #4 on Every M. Night Shyamalan Movie's Rotten Tomatoes Score, Ranked By Real Fans 9 Maverick Mel Gib...
NOV 17th 2024- New 62 min videoHow THE MATRIX movie enslaved usnow available as a digital download on myFilm Analysispage. NOV 7th 2024- Uploaded short review ofTHE SUBSTANCE NOV 5th 2024- Uploaded short reviews the of the new horror filmsLATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL and ODDITY ...
Horror movie recommendations? 1.6Kviews117commentsMost recent byketan17 days agoStrut Central Check my band's debut album, "Make Some Noise" by Zak Lang & Tha Destroyaz 23views0commentsStarted byzaklang19 days agoShare the Raer Sample Snitching - did the term start here?!
But Universal hadn’t had a horror hit in a while, outside of their massively successful “Mummy” franchise (a similar attempt at reviving the classics, “Van Helsing,” failed miserably) and the last horror movie that Guillermo del Toro executive produced that was...
Our true-crime obsessed critic is seriously shook. ByKristy PuchkoonJuly 31, 2024 Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Flipboard The death of Amanda Antoni is a horror show in "Unsolved Mysteries."Credit: Netflix Netflix has invested big in true crime. The streaming service not only bo...
This idea seems too close to the already createdSCP-4666article to be successful. In addition, the idea of a Santa Claus who punishes bad people with death seems more of a horror movie idea than the makings of a good SCP article. The hook being the Foundation trying to figure out whether...
“But seeing the movie is sort of a strange reality. We realize, ‘Oh my God, this is actually just about us. Wild.’” On a Zoom call from their homes in Los Angeles and a hotel room in Phoenix (Wachtel is on tour with Nicks), the four musicians gathered to tell the stories of...
Jennifer Kaytin Robinson, best known for writing and directing the Netflix movieDo Revenge, is the writer and director on the upcoming film. “I will say it is truly such an honor, at 45, to even be invited back. To be thought of in that way, to not just move on to the newer, ...