FakeNewsCorpus FakeNewsCorpus - about 10 million news articles classified using opensources.co types Wikipedia Fact-Checking Dataset FEVER: a large-scale dataset for Fact Extraction and VERification Data for politifact.com, also check Liar, Liar Pants on Fire: A New Benchmark Dataset for Fake New...
Although communication scholars and psychologists contributed almost half of all the articles on the topic of fake news and misinformation in the past 10 years, the wide variety of journals from various disciplines publishing the topic shows that it has captured interest from the scholarly community ...
This is a 'obvious' fake email, but people keep getting caught out so I will keep reminding you. Admin and management staff, consider sending this information on so your staff can be reminded. Multi factor authentication on your Microsoft account will mitigate the impact of being fooled into ...
news analysis North Korean hackers impersonated recruiters to steal credentials from over 1,500 developer systems By Lucian Constantin 30 Jan 20254 mins Advanced Persistent ThreatsHacker GroupsHacking podcast CSO Executive Sessions: Guardians of the Games - How to keep the Olympics and other major event...
Nowadays, more and more news readers read news online where they have access to millions of news articles from multiple sources. In order to help users fin
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Common fraudulent COVID-19 testing schemes include fake cures, free testing materials in exchange for personal information, billing frauds, coding frauds, loan fraud
or they have a fake set. Tue Oct 8 19:17:16 1996 James J. Matthews In the opening scene of _Waterworld_, Kevin Costner recycles his urine with filters to produce drinking water. Two questions: [1] Why doesn't he just filter sea water, which has fewer impurities than urine? [2] ...
Its discriminator tries to distinguish fake data from real ones. Traditionally, learning from sequential inputs such as text involves generating a fixed-length input from the data. For example, the "bag-of-words" approach simply counts the number of instances of each word in a document and ...
GCAN: Graph-aware Co-Attention Networks for Explainable Fake News Detection on Social Media.Yi-Ju Lu, Cheng-Te Li.ACL 2020[pdf] Tackling Fake News Detection by Continually Improving Social Context Representations using Graph Neural Networks.Nikhil Mehta, Maria Pacheco and Dan Goldwasser.ACL 2022[...