The effect of the euro exchange rate on inflation has taken on significant importance recently, with the application of the ECB's expansionary monetary policy mLeiva㎜eon, DaniloMartinez-Martin, JaimeOrtega, EvaSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
The article reports on the developments in foreign exchange rates in Bulgaria in 2011. It notes that the Bulgarian lev, which is pegged to the euro at a rate of 1.95583, weakened against the dollar in 2011 as concerns about the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis flared once again. According to ...
A note on Euroyen and domestic yen interest rates 1995, Journal of Banking and Finance Show abstract Foreign exchange market intervention and domestic monetary control in Japan, 1973-1989 1991, Japan and The World Economy Show abstract Financial liberalization in the Pacific Basin: Implications for ...
Furthermore Purchasing Power Parity theory (Cassel G., 1922) assumes that, in a flexible and rational world, exchange rates reflect perfectly the rates of inflation of different countries. Therefore the variation of internal prices should influence both the exchanges rates between national currencies ...
The authors find that in advanced economies, fiscal adjustments seem more likely, when economic growth is weak, terms of trade and exchange rates are in decline and public debt to GDP is high, when a government is in office for a longer period, and when a fiscal rule is in place, in ...
Foreign exchange rates have seen significant fluctuation in recent years and a depreciation in the value of the U.S. Dollar against one or more of the currencies in which the Group [...] 近年來,貨幣匯率出現明顯波動,美 元兌一 種或 多種 貨 幣的 貶值導致本集團產生重大成本...
In this paper the recent literature on long-run exchange rate modeling is surveyed. In particular, we review the voluminous literature that tests for a unit root in real exchange rates and the closely related work on testing for a unit root in the residual from a regression of the nominal ...
By understanding how the value of the Malaysian Ringgit has changed in recent years, customers can make smarter decisions when sending money abroad. Utilizing a remittance business can help customers make the most of their money, while staying up to date with the latest exchange rates. ...
Price and volatility spillovers between exchange rates and stock indexes for the pre- and post-euro period In this paper we explore the nature of the mean, volatility and causality transmission mechanism between stock and foreign exchange markets for the United ... Aloui,Chaker - 《Quantitative Fi...
The USD/CHF tends to have a negativecorrelationwith the EUR/USD (euro/USD) and GBP/USD (British pound/USD) currency pairs. This is due to the positive correlation of theeuro, Swiss franc, and the British pound. Recent Price History of USD/CHF ...