Earthquakes that last about fifteen seconds have a magnitude of 6.9. A thirty-second earthquake generally has a magnitude in the mid-sevens. A minute-long quake is in the high sevens, a two-minute quake has entered the eights, and a three-minute quake is in the high eights. By four ...
A newly identified cluster of epicenters in a NNW-SSE linear zone may be related to the Imilchil fault, where the earthquakes with magnitudes of 4–5 at depths of 5–20km have been identified. Recent work in the Ouarzazate basin indicated that the Amekchoud fault ramp could generate ...
(6) intelligent techniques in renewable energy (biomass, wind, waste, solar), (7) sustainable management of marine environment and coastal areas, (8) remote sensing and GIS for geo-environmental investigations, (9) environmental impacts of geo/natural hazards (earthquakes, landslides, volcanic, ...
Natural-made resources include disaster sites after earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and tsunamis [38,39]. The construction waste originating from high-rise and infrastructure buildings may result in a considerable amount of construction materials being wasted at the construction site due to improper ...
Historical earthquakes1755 Lisbon earthquakesource mechanismattenuationdamageinverse problemsThe importance of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake is known worldwide not only among the scientific and technical communities but also in many other disciplines of human kind related to the effects and consequences of the...
This has an important bearing on the rheology of the upper lithosphere and on the depth distribution of earthquakes. The thickness of the elastic part of the lithosphere ranges from about 20 km in the eastern rift to nearly 125 km in Botswana and Morocco. The elastic part of zone A poses ...