Recent developments in intellectual property and power in the private sector related to food and agriculture. Food Policy 36, S109eS113.Blakeney M (2011) Recent developments in intellectual property and power in the private sector related to food and agriculture . Food Policy 36 (S1) : S109–...
China’s rationale to reform its public sector has been largely driven by its economic development goal and efforts to integrate into the global market. Despite a short period of stagnation in the late 1980s, the general trend is that the function of China’s public sector has been transiting...
ecent Developments. External Sector: Recent Developments.External Sector: Recent Developments.The article reports developments on the external sector in Colombia. It mentions that the foreign trade of the country has increased by 43.1% in 2011 due to a major rebound in sales of traditional goods ...
Increasingly public sector industrial relations have become the central concern of governments, practitioners and academics. The main purpose of this monograph is to review key developments in public sector industrial relations, particularly during the period of the Thatcher Government. The emphasis is on...
In addition, technological developments are surveyed. As regards consolidation, the Finnish banking sector is a trendsetter. The emphasis in structural development has moved to cross-border banking and bankassurance. On the other hand, it turns out that it is difficult to track some of the trends...
International arbitration lawyers James Willn and Finlay Donaldson will present, and their talk will consider recent developments in the nuclear sector, Middle East nuclear regulatory regimes, and key characteristics of nuclear power plant disputes. ...
vidence from the UK Recent developments in management control in public sector organisations Evidence from the UKRecent developments in management control in public sector organisations Evidence from the UKP. RussellM Sherer
Recent developments on the use of DEA in the public sector Edited by Heinz Ahn-Institute of Management Control and Business Accounting, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany Mohsen Afsharian-Institute of Management Control and Business Accounting, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany...
The Directorate General for Competition at the European Commission enforces competition law in the areas of antitrust, merger control, and State aid. After providing a general presentation of the role of the Chief Competition Economist’s team, this article surveys some of the main developments at...
In the retail sector, traditional players use recommendation engines and predictive tools. While online leader Alibaba saw US$25.3 billion of sales in a single day in 2017. It attributed this to AI, machine learning, and cloud computing, as reported in the SCMP. AI in the education system ...