American Indian and Alaska Native adults had significantly higher death rates from premature heart attacks compared to white, Black and Asian/Pacific Islander adults in the U.S., according to an analysis of more than 370,000 heart attack deaths from 1999-2020. In addition, despite an ove...
gynaecology, he worked as a fellow in reproductive endocrinology at the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Baltimore School of Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA for 2 years with Eli Y Adashi and won the prestigious Merck Senior Fellow award from the Endocrine Society in 1994....
(2012). Social network predictors of disclosure of MSM behavior and HIV-positive serostatus among African American MSM in Baltimore Maryland. AIDS and Behavior, 16(3), 535–542. PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Lim, S., Harris, T. G., Nash, D., Lennon, M. C., & Thorpe, L....
Zika virus associated deaths in Colombia. Lancet Infect. Dis. 2016, 16, 523–524. [CrossRef] 30. Soares, C.N.; Brasil, P.; Carrera, R.M.; Sequeira, P.; de Filippis, A.B.; Borges, V.A.; Theophilo, F.; Ellul, M.A.; Solomon, T. Fatal encephalitis associated with Zika ...