New cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to be diagnosed worldwide and it is an evolving situation with more outbreaks of Coronavirus being reported in ... Recent events Taal Volcano in Philippines - eruption Recent events Cyclone Sarai - Fiji December 2019 ...
This is confirmed by several reports also indicating that water supplies, the police station, and 73 houses were built out of cyclone-resistant material and on safer and higher ground, testimony to a growing awareness of natural hazards in land-use planning in Tonga since 2009 (Government of ...
Transported coastal boulders have increasingly come to represent a valuable element of investigations within the broader framework of multi-proxy approaches applied to coastal hazard studies. Through a case study on Taveuni Island in Fiji, this paper out
Kadavu, with an area of 411 square kilometers, is the fourth largest island in Fiji. It is a volcanic archipelago consisting of Kadavu and a number of smaller islands in the Great Astrolabe Reef. The Kadavu archipelago sits on the earthquake belt and the cyclone path of Fiji. The Great As...