Apply as an entry level college graduate. This is your opportunity to change the world. Take your studies and knowledge and apply it to our expertise through one of our new graduate jobs. View all positions Dow application process. Find answers to your job application questions and learn more... for part-time jobs and entry-level jobs, on-compas and off-campus jobs. and internships and career resources.
decades. For more than 60 years, KHOU has been a leader in local journalism, information and community involvement. KHOU continues to grow and connect with new audiences in our community by covering news stories and participating in community events that support our “KHOU Stands for Houston” ...
Lay traveled widely but was in Enron’s Houston headquarters all day 33 percent of the time and part of the day 38 percent of the time. His record of attendance at board and committee meeting over a four-year period was virtually 100 percent. His lowest performance — below 90 percent —...
In my job hunt, I was actually very close to getting a job in Houston which would have led to a very different life. Another con is that with a mortgage, you start to develop that caution and fear that most adults have and you are less willing to take risks. When I became salary,...
Another HBCU CONNECT member was recently hired at Microsoft! Kofi attended our virtual hiring event sponsored by Microsoft's Teams group in April of this year. The event was supposed to be a physical event in Austin, Texas but due to COVID-19, we hosted the event virtually. ...
Troy SharpeCEO, Oak Harvest Investment Services | Houston, TexasSharpe’s YouTube channel, which focuses on comprehensive retirement and tax planning education, has garnered over 8 million views since its inception in 2019. Virgina NameTitleStandout Achievements ...