Mainstream statistical methodology is generally applicable to data observed in Euclidean space. There are, however, numerous contexts of considerable scientific interest in which the natural supports for the data under consideration are Riemannian manifolds like the unit circle, torus, sphere, and their ...
[149] choose two neighboring points at random and generates a synthetic point from the combination of the two; for algorithm level approaches in FRBSs, algorithmic changes such as in [150] which presents a hierarchical FRBCSs to generate fine granularity between majority and minority classes using...
(CNN)—During a recent commencement address(毕业典礼演说) at Hampton University in Virginia, BarackObama described the way today's internet-powered media environment “bombards(攻击) us with all kinds ofcontent". He warned students that iPods, Xboxes, and other popular digital gadgets can turn...
121. 2018-12-28-Patch-based Stereo Direct Visual Odometry Robust to Illumination Changes 光照鲁棒性120. 2018-12-28-Observability Analysis and Performance Evaluation of EKF-based Visual-inertial Odometry with Online Intrinsic Camera Parameter Calibration...
even with a smaller input image size. For $300 imes 300$ input, SSD achieves 72.1% mAP on VOC2007 test at 58 FPS on a Nvidia Titan X and for $500 imes 500$ input, SSD achieves 75.1% mAP, outperforming a comparable state of the art Faster R-CNN model. Code is available at https...
[99] demonstrated that model poisoning through Byzantine-attack is still possible in non-omniscient attack scenario by introducing even a small but well-crafted changes on gradient. 此外,Baruch等人 [99] 表明,通过拜占庭攻击进行的模型污染在非全知攻击场景中仍然是可能的,只需对梯度进行微小但精心设计的...
because they see the European Union as a chance to economically expand the Commonwealth but feel that the EU needs to have some changes within its laws. Historically, the Progressive Alliance tends to align with the Conservative Reform Party in a coalition to form a government whenever possible ...
A deep neural network was used to predict the effective properties when the input processing and microstructure parameters changes. The model offered detailed insights into the effect of the calendar pressure, electrode composition and initial porosity on a list of mesoscale electrode properties including...
This refers to giving subtle nudge (touch or push) in the form of small design changes that encourage users to make other choices in their general interest (van der Heijden and Kosters 2015). Nudging is a behavior change strategy that motivates people to achieve goals, and it can influence ...
We have shown in this table that particle complexity may rise if particle morphology (the way pieces of Janus particles are constructed) changes. Later, we will look at how the many aspects discussed here, such as the sort of particle interactions, particle shape, particle size, particle ...