Ohio Real Property Law and Practice(Pub. #62949, – Release 15) – This release included updated commentary cases, revised code statutes, administrate code sections, and pending bills. Warren’s Weed New York Real Property(Pub. #00800, – Release 155) – Over two dozen chapters updated; fea...
By a recent estimate, nearly half the bills before the U.S. Congress have a substantial science-technology component and some two-thirds of the District of Columbia Circuit Court’s case load now involves review of action by federal administrative agencies; and more and more of such cases ...
On March 11, United States President Joe Biden announced his fiscal year 2025 budget proposal, which included a crypto mining tax and changes in wash-sale rules. Last year, similar taxes were proposed, but they were not taken up by Congress in drafting budget bills. The new wash trading rul...
At the national level, the Fair Repair Act of 2022 has been introduced in Congress. However, no progress has been made on the bill. Other bills have also been introduced into Congress at the federal level, but they have all faltered. Like the New York law, the current text of the Fai...
Entries are arranged by bill number, with Senate bills listed first. "In the Congress" covers all environment-related bills that are introduced, reported out of committee, passed by either house, or signed by the president. "In the Congress" also covers all environmental treaties ratified by ...
In the coming quarter, we expect to see continued movement in state legislatures on comprehensive data privacy bills, as well as the beginning of the rulemaking process for states like Colorado and California, who have already passed state-level data privacy laws. We also anticipate seeing ad...
“Some men just can’t live on that! Or feed and clothe their children! Or pay their medical bills!” This was Shmidlapp at his best. “We certainly ought to remedy that,” said Fenwick. “No American who wants to work should go hungry because of the objective (and therefore efficient...
ThesebillshavepassedMichiganHouseandremainpendinginMichiganSenate WVconsideredandadoptedABPin2009;wasunabletopassfurtherUIMAimplementationin2010 NELPContactInformation VisitNELP’swebsiteat.nelp;signupforUIemailgroup;keepuptodateonextensionsatforupdates
And pay your bills. What would happen if her sex tape fell into the hands of the same Okie blogger who made sure those awful Dr Laura spread-eagle pictures were distributed around the world? She's telling people she made the tapes (there are 8) when she was 17 so people are afraid...
The difference in monthly bills is $160 against $90. Qsymia was initially touted by Wall Street analysts with a peak sale of $3.6 billion/year. With the potential of generic substitution with the individual drug, the peak sales estimate dropped to $1.2 billion/year. Although Vivus was ...