Swarm intelligence algorithms have received less attention, with only a few studies focusing on their application. For instance, bee colony optimization, camel algorithm, firefly algorithm, and intelligent water drop were each proposed by a single researcher, as indicated in Appendix 3. Researchers ...
ABC Artificial Bee Colony. BA Bat Algorithm. CSO Cuckoo Search Optimization. CI Computational Intelligence. DNN Deep Neural Network. DC Data Collection. DL Deep Learning. EC Evolutionary Computation. IoT Internet of Things. GA Genetic Algorithm. PSO Particle Swarm Optimization. QoS Quality of Service...
The Harris hawk optimizer is a recent population-based metaheuristics algorithm that simulates the hunting behavior of hawks. This swarm-based optimizer performs the optimization procedure using a novel way of exploration and exploitation and the multiph
An Idea Based on Honey Bee Swarm for Numerical Optimization; Technical Report-TR06; Computer Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Erciyes University: Kayseri, Turkey, 2005; Volume 200, pp. 1–10. [Google Scholar] Passino, K.M. Biomimicry of bacterial foraging for distributed optimization ...