3.1 Baby Dragon Bros One of the hardest bosses in the game IMO, his room has little cover (1 block) and he spray bullets like crazy, so crazy i'll say it is impossible to dodge. Just in case you managed to find cover, he has spitting bullets that attacks from many angles, lots ...
Anderson contextualized these problems on a tech level, pointing out that almost everyone is using the same "monkey wrench": neural networks. Neural networks are incredibly good at classification problems, but the algorithms have been around for a while, and much of the recent innovation has come...
Monkey's face is priceless... In his heart, he's certain that everybody else is wrong and that he was a great president. Nonsense Feedback Loop by Josh Marshall Link Excerpt: Let's start with Mike Sola, who angrily confronted Rep. Dingell (D-Mich.) at a townhall last week ...
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