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Efficacy of the Theory of Planned Behavior in Predicting the Psychological Constructs Influencing the Substance Abuse Treatment Continuity Mohammadi Zeidi I Journal of Addiction Research and Preventive Medicine The high rate of relapse after addiction quitting indicates inadequacy of detoxification courses ...
Victims often endure suicidal tendencies, substance abuse, anxiety, and lasting trauma [8, 9]. During pregnancy, they are at greater risk of complications such as miscarriages, low birth weight, premature birth, and fetal growth issues [1, 10,11,12]. Factors such as place of residence, age...
Other Articles Washtenaw Prosecutor will not file any criminal charges on you read more Terry Stop and Refusal to Identify Yourself to Police read more Sextortion – Michigan read more Michigan Record Expungement Information read more Just Because You’re Hanging Out in a High Crime Area Doesn’... 36. Rockett IR, Wang S, Stack S, et al. Race/ethnicity and potential suicide misclassification: window on a minority ...
An overview of research trends and issues in the area of compulsory substance abuse treatment is presented, using a sample of 170 English-language articles obtained from a search of 4 databases (Medline, PubMed, Embase, PsychINFO, supplemented by a manual search). About half (51%) ...
Research from the Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) at the University of Buffalo published in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse found that the majority of parents could accurately evaluate their teenagers' cigarette smoking and substance use but were less aware of marijuana and...
112 The CV effects of GIP hence seem to depend on the pathological condition, with GIPR agonism improving atherosclerosis under conditions of obesity, while GIPR antagonism has beneficial effects in the ischemic heart. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and substance abuse Both incretins further exhibited ...
Clothing: Funny montage scenes of a character trying on different articles of clothing. Tue Nov 12 00:43:37 1996 Brandon Tibbetts Weapons: Scenes where the tough-guy character is fitting himself for battle by strapping all kinds of weaponry to his body - usu. with military drum corps music,...
Chang-Chien G, Odonkor C, Amorapanth P. Is kratom the new ‘legal high’ on the block? The case of an emerging opioid receptor agonist with substance abuse potential. Pain Physician. 2017;20(1):E195–8. PubMedGoogle Scholar Kothadia J, Kaminski M, Samant H, Olivera-Martinez M. Hepato...